Friday, January 06, 2006

I almost got terminated at work today.

OK, that's a little dramatic. It's actually a pretty funny story.

This morning I had to talk to a woman in the facilities department about a problem one of my group was having with his building access card. So I got the issue straightened out and went on with my day.

About an hour later the facilities woman called back. She said that she had received a termination notice for me! She knew it couldn't be right, since the notice had been dated yesterday, and she had just talked to me that morning. I asked her what I needed to do, and she said that my boss would have to call the Help Desk and get it straightened out.

So I went into my bosses office and said, "Is there anything you're not telling me?" I explained the situation and he called to find out what was going on.

What happened was that a we had sent in a termination form for a contractor that had left us, and the person who input the form got my name (which was on the form as the manager) mixed up with the contractors. So instead of terminating her, they terminated me. It was actually lucky I talked to facilities, or I probably wouldn't have found out until my building pass was deactivated or they came to take my phone and computer or something.

So I'm still gainfully employed, and I got a lot of mileage out of the story today.


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