Sunday, January 01, 2006

Well, I guess 2005 had one last shot to take at us.

We were on our way to a New Year's party at a friend's house last night and we were getting into the car. A. was carrying a tray of food and stepped onto the grass, where there was still some ice and snow left from the snowstorms earlier in the month. She went down and we ended up spending the evening at the Metrowest Medical Center emergency room.

It turns out she has a fractured fibula. We go Tuesday to see an orthopedist, get a cast and see how long she is going to have to stay off it. She can get around a bit on crutches, but it's not easy.

Add to that the fact that January is by far the busiest month of the year at work and it's shaping up to be a really interesting few weeks for yours truly. I'm sure we'll get though it, but it's not going to be easy.

On another, totally unrelated note, I was watching the last regular season Patriots game of the year, which the Pats lost to the Dolphins 28-26. The Patriots starters were pretty much out of the game by the end of the first quarter (if they even played at all), while the Dolphins played their first string the rest of the way. During the game the announcers kept talking about how the Dolphins wanted to win the game to send a "message" to the Patriots.

What message was that? That the Dolphins starters can barely beat the Pats benchwarmers? That Matt Cassell, who wasn't even the starter at USC, beat them for two touchdowns? If I were the Dolphins, the only message I would have taken out of that game is that they still have a long way to go before they can play with the Patriots.

A Florida trip report is coming, but I'll leave you with a picture that, if nothing else, raises my spirits a bit.


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