Friday, August 21, 2009

Three things for a Friday:
  • Went to the Pawsox on Tuesday night with J., Mom and Dad (R. wasn't feeling well - she's fine now). It was a great night to be at the ballpark. Even though the day was hot, it cooled off once the sun went down and was very comfortable. A cup of Del's Frozen Lemonade helped to beat the heat as well. The game didn't start off well. Kris Johnson started for Pawtucket and immediately showed the Rochester Red Wings why he's 3-13 this season. He had trouble getting his breaking stuff over the plate, and then was forced to come in with a 90-92 MPH fastball. The Pawsox were down 5-0 at one point, made it 6-4 by the time we left in the 7th, tied it in the 8th and eventually lost 7-6 in the 10th. It was a fun night.
  • I have been going back and forth on getting an iPhone. I love the iPhone itself, but AT&T? Not so much. We had Cingular (AT&T's predecessor) a few years back and had a pretty horrible experience, so I was already reluctant. We did some checking around and got lots of reports of dropped calls from AT&T subscribers we know, especially in the area where we live. Since A. uses her phone more than I use mine, and she uses it mostly around our town, connection reliability is important. We have actually had a generally good experience with Verizon, so we're going to stick with them. Tough decision, but practicality won out over cool hardware. Besides, I still have my iPod Touch.
  • The kids start school a week from Tuesday. Where the heck did the summer go?


At 1:10 AM, Blogger The Hey said...

Boo!! ;-)

If you are going to stick with Verizon wait a few months as the Palm Pre will be available - that is a good alternative.

BTW, I am always intrigued by all the bad buzz AT&T gets. I have had no real issues with them in the 4 years I have been with them.


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